I Had Serene Natural Birthing Experiences So Now I Think All Women Should Give Birth Without “Drugs”


My birthing experiences thus far have been splendid. No complications. No issues. Very little pain, which is a shame because I was supposed to be suffering for Eve's sin. I guess God was keeping a special eye on me! It's the only explanation, besides the prayer circle my friends held for me.

All of the above makes it very easy for me to judge any woman who does not follow the exact same path. While I received world-class prenatal care throughout all three of my previous pregnancies, I'm hard-pressed to imagine that this played a part in how easy childbirth was for me! I also hold a "faith over facts" philosophy and refuse to accept that some bodies respond to giving birth differently. I just simply don't believe it. I don't care how many research studies support this theory.

It brings me great joy to be able to make cutting comments about women who subject their poor babies to "drugs", even though I myself am not a doctor and really shouldn't be weighing in on other women's medical decisions at all. I'm better than them! #MommyHonesty

Is there a conversation to be had about how dangerous pregnancy and childbirth are, especially for marginalized populations and how heaping unnecessary shame on these women specifically is extra "wrong" and tone-deaf? It hasn't come up at any church meetings, so no.

Go the natural route!

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