Have Cultural Appropriation Complaints Gone Too Far?


Yes, they have.

If I want to wear my hair in certain types of braids or hairstyles, why should I have to feel guilty? I can just undo these and then be right back to the socially-accepted, Western-centric beauty norm, without having to face any type of discrimination, even momentarily. Jealousy is really ugly. 

And why is it okay for women of color to dye and straighten their hair to look more "White"? Is it because they have been told again and again that these are the standards they should be measuring their appearance against and society treats all women as though being attractive is a tax they have to pay, in order to simply exist? Is it because they are trying to lessen their "otherness", so as not to be excluded from opportunities by people like me? I have no idea.

Plus, one of my two Black acquaintances told me that she isn't bothered when others "appreciate" her culture. And while thousands upon thousands of Black people can't convince me that they experience systemic prejudice and oppression (not to mention police brutality, which is well-documented), Whitney says she isn't personally bothered by "cultural appropriation" and that's all I need to hear.

It's like when I faced backlash when I let my daughters wear Kimonos as a part of their Chinese Empress Halloween costumes. Apparently it was "ignorant" to mix and match Asian cultures...and to wear culturally significant clothing items as a costume in the first place. There's no pleasing some people. 

I'm an ally. I think I've earned the right to live my life without constant judgment from others.

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